Travel: The Island of Sylt

A natural and wind-struck German island on the North Sea, Sylt is an exquisite and pristine island escape from the busy routines of daily life. Yes, even with a busy preschooler and yes, even in Germany in. the. winter. What?! Yes.

Mellow sunsets, tall grass dunes, thatched roof houses, and fresh, salty wind. Actually doctors still prescribe visits to Sylt for people with asthma, skin sensitivities, depression, and many other illnesses. The air is iodine-rich due to the long shoreline and hair-whipping wind. The wind. It’s truly interesting to experience – I went on a walk and though my legs were tired and my face was numb (actually numb) from the chilled wind, my body just wanted to keep going and going. The energy from the air was intense and life-giving. A once-skeptic, I now do not doubt the Sylt air.

Also noteworthy is the shape of the island – the shoreline stretches on for 25 miles (40 km) and you can just walk, and walk, and walk. It seemed like all the vacationers this winter were doing just that. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted a dog so badly as on this beach. They were SO joyful and freeee. Almost the same was watching my 4-year-old daughter, who would laugh and chase the waves and climb the dunes despite the cold. Because kids don’t care when there are no walls and no rules. Also noteworthy, was the calming roar of the water. It was a baby’s noise machine on ocean setting in real life.

Before I go on, I’d like to mention something a friend once recognized with her family and I’ve noticed to be so so true for us as well. She doesn’t even bother taking photos of her family before day three on a vacation because it takes that long to unravel and shake off the stress of the daily grind. You get it all out and then whoosh – you’re able to relax and enjoy.

Practical Travel Things

  • Getting Here: We took the autozug (from the Germany Train ( in order to have our car on the island, but you can also fly or take a train or ferry.
  • Staying Here: So many good “ferienhäuser” aka holiday homes for great prices plus 90% have a small kitchen, for those simple breakfast or lunch options. We were on a budget and enjoyed coffee at home and then fish was always on the menu at dinner at a little local joint. For more restaurant and house rental options I recommend to search or
  • Areas to Explore: Westerland, Kampen, Wenningstedt
  • Things to Do: Boat trip to see the seals, bike rides, walk, “Rote Kliffe”, try all the bakeries and fresh fish joints, eat at the futuristic looking Gosch and otherwise, just rest.
Grassy Sand Dunes on Sylt

I highly recommend a visit here – with or without family, in ailment or in health. You will absolutely find the peace you were searching for, and maybe you’ll even be inspired to write a book in this inspiring place known as the “Martha’s Vineyard” of Germany. 

What is your favorite vacation spot that helps you unwind and let go of stress?